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Florida Tax Attorney > Orlando Asset Protection Attorney

Orlando Asset Protection Attorney

Anyone who has struggled to buy a home or salt away money for retirement could see their hard work evaporate if they are ever sued. Asset protection is a process for shielding your assets from creditors. When done correctly, asset protection gives you peace of mind, knowing you can protect your assets and pass them on to loved ones. Contact Ronald Cutler, P.A. today to find out more about our services. Many people benefit from asset protection—not simply the rich. An Orlando asset protection attorney can explain more in a personal consultation where we discuss what you own and the risks you face.

Effective Asset Protection Services in Orlando, Florida

Our firm will review your risk profile and then craft solutions which minimize risk. Some of the different techniques we use include:

  • You can transfer assets to an irrevocable trust, which means they are removed from your estate. You can name yourself as a beneficiary, but the trust will own the assets. There are many different trusts available, which we can discuss once we learn more about your financial goals. Some trusts offer many tax advantages, in addition to asset protection.
  • Limited liability companies. You might transfer assets to an LLC and be a member (owner) of the company. Some people hold real estate this way. For example, if someone is injured on rental property, they sue the LLC, but the injured victim can’t try to seize your personal bank account or other assets.
  • Offshore accounts. You can create a trust in a different country or move money to a foreign bank. Any asset held offshore is harder for creditors to reach.
  • Umbrella insurance policies. Insurance provides a pot of money to settle a legal dispute. This is an effective way to protect your assets because many victims will agree to settle for a fair amount and give up the right to sue.
  • Inter vivos If you intend to leave money or assets to beloved family members, you could make the transfer now, while living. That is one way to protect the asset from creditors. We can discuss the tax consequences of making gifts while living.

Florida has some generous asset protection laws already on the books. For example, the state has an unlimited homestead exemption, which means creditors cannot put a lien on the house if they win a lawsuit. But any investment property would not be covered, and countless people benefit from creating a solid asset protection plan.

Contact Our Orlando Asset Protection Attorney

Ronald Cutler, P.A. is an established law firm with decades of service to the community. We know how unnerving it is to feel vulnerable to creditor claims. Whether you are a small business owner or just someone who has worked hard for years, you deserve asset protection services that work. Give us a call to schedule a free consultation with an Orlando asset protection attorney at our firm. We can listen to you describe your fees and employ asset protection techniques that work.

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